We are a private equity firm that partners with the founders of growing companies to maximize the value of their business.
We invest in marketing services,
digital media & specialty media industries.
Our Experience Has Deep Roots
We are comprised of seasoned professionals & entrepreneurs, highly skilled in operations, finance, new business and strategy.
We Specialize
We focus on the advertising & marketing industry. We monitor trends and maintain relationships with marketers at Fortune 500 companies to provide insights to our clients and partners.
A Mindset & Skillset For Add On Acquisitions
We focus on creating value through add on acquisitions. To that end, we employ a distinct set of experienced-based skills to drive strategic alignment and seamless integration between companies.
We Actively Work With Management
By working with management actively and directly, we add a strategic perspective to our partner companies.
We Are Creative
Our extensive experience has taught us much, and we apply that learning in the form of creative solutions to challenging situations — strategic redirection, financial restructuring and operational improvement.
Our Relationships Are Strong
We have strong relationships with management at leading marketing companies, financial institutions, chief marketing officers at blue chip companies and industry consultants.
How Beringer Creates Value
The following key principles form the basis of our investment criteria:
Fundamentally Strong Companies
We look for companies that have a solid foundation and track record of success. We invest in companies that have a minimum of $1M pre-tax profits.
Strong Committed Management Team
We invest in companies with exceptional management teams. We create high-growth, high-quality companies through long-term partnerships with committed, proven management teams.
Ability To Have Impact
We invest in companies where we believe our operational, strategic and financial expertise can greatly impact the future success of the business.
Opportunity To Create Value
We look for opportunities in the following areas:
Expand market share through enhanced service offerings, new capabilities and development of new markets;
Add new clients through targeted new business strategies;
Improve productivity and operational efficiencies; and
Growth through strategic acquisitions.
We Leverage the Power of Add-On Acquisitions
We intelligently acquire a platform company and then leverage the power of add-on-acquisitions to accelerate growth and increase returns.
$250M Shopper Marketing Platform
3 years, 13 Acquisitions =
Become a part of Beringer Fund 3 and preview Beringer Fund 4.
Email us at hello@beringercapital.com
Your company is unique. Beringer provides fact-based, executable solutions to your business challenges. We employ our extensive strategic, financial and operations expertise to maximize your company's enterprise value.
Mergers and Acquisitions
We have the expertise to plan, structure, negotiate and complete your mergers and acquisitions activities. We manage the entire transaction, freeing up your senior management to focus on the business at hand.
Where acquisitions are concerned, we perform a competitive analysis, identify target companies that meet your criteria, develop the financial model and lead the process.
In the case of divestures, we develop the offering memorandum that includes operational and financial information, identify and contact prospects and lead negotiations.
Corporate Development
Some clients look to Beringer to be their senior expertise in corporate development.
We become an active member of your management team, developing the growth strategy and business plan and taking responsibility for corporate development initiatives.
Restructuring And Crisis Management
In these cases, we assist the Board of Directors, creditors and shareholders in developing and executing a restructuring and financing plan. We get the situation back under control, stabilize the company, develop the workout plan and manage its execution and all negotiation and structuring alternatives.
Our access to capital through traditional lenders, nontraditional lenders, specialized funds and private capital will help you restructure the Balance Sheet.
We Believe in Contribution
We invest in adversity. Our principals are founding partners of The Childhood Domestic Violence Association. You can see our work at www.cdv.org